Difference in entitlement to parental leave was gender discrimination – Violation of Art. 14 ECHR taken in conjunction with Art. 8 ECHR


European Court of Human Rights, judgment, 6 July 2021, Gruba and others v. Russia (Application no. 66180/09, 30771/11, 50089/11 and 22165/12).
"The case concerned the difference in entitlement to parental leave between policemen and policewomen. The Court found that the difference in treatment between policemen and policewomen as regards entitlement to parental leave had not been justified. The authorities had failed to balance the legitimate aim of operational effectiveness of the police and the applicants’ rights not to be discriminated against on grounds of gender. The Court concluded that this difference in treatment had amounted to gender discrimination.»

Direct link to the judgment (hudoc.echr.coe.int)
Accès direct au communiqué de presse (hudoc.echr.coe.int)
Direct link to the press release (hudoc.echr.coe.int)

FRI - Gender Law Newsletter 2021#3 - IV.4