GenIUS - Rivista di studi giuridici sull'orientamento sessuale e l'identità di genere




Presentation of the law journal and focus

Guest contribution by GenIUS

Founded in 2014 by Barbara Pezzini, Marco Gattuso, Paolo Veronesi, GenIUS is an open-access and double-blind peer-review law journal focusing on legal issues concerning sexual orientation equality and gender identity.
As stated in the presentation of its first issue, the journal aims at promoting high-quality legal scholarship and debate about «the heterosexual paradigm of law and the rigidly dichotomous construction of sexual dualism». The high number of legal issues and hindrances experienced every day by «real» people made it necessary to start a new law journal where scholars could rethink and debate the traditional legal institutions and conceptions which in the past framed the definitions of sex, sexual orientation, gender and the features of family and parentage. Against such a background, GenIUS aims at questioning traditional legal conceptions «too tied to what has always been and is always presumed to be».
Sexual orientation and gender identity claims have largely evolved in the last five years; new «priorities» and new claims for protection have been raised, taking the place of the legal issues which have been partially satisfied in the recent past. Although GenIUS welcomes an interdisciplinary approach, it mostly focuses on new claims of recognition and protection from a legal perspective. Legal perspective is crucial, not only because new claims of recognition and protection are mostly directed to courts and national legislators, but also because – as Norberto Bobbio wrote – «culture» (including law as its essential ingredient) defines what has to be considered «natural» and what escapes such classification.
The Review is currently directed by Dr. Marco Gattuso, Prof. Pina Palmeri and Prof. Paolo Veronesi. The scientific board includes some of the most influential Italian and European legal scholars on LGBTQ and gender studies.
GenIUS is published online (at in two annual issues. Since 2019, in order to provide more up-to-date publication, each contribution is published online first before its inclusion into the online annual issues.
Each issue opens with one or two thematic focuses, followed by articles dealing with more specific issues and commentaries to significant legal cases both at the national and international level. Each issue also gives space to an «Osservatorio documenti» on relevant legal documents and to an «Osservatorio decisioni» which selects relevant and often unreported rulings and cases.
To reach a wider audience, contributions are published either in Italian or in English.
GenIUS has been recognized as «a scientific journal» (Area 12 / Legal Studies) by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR).
Authors are welcome to submit their proposal to following the style guide available at
All submitted proposals undergo a preliminary review by the Directors in order to evaluate whether they comply with the standards, purposes and policies of the Review.
Proposals that pass the preliminary selection are submitted to double-blind peer review according to the ethical code and the guidelines of the Review.

Direct link to the law review (